Pizzo Barone

Cover photo


Date: 27 July 2010
Maximum height: 2864 m
Difference in height: 1800 m
Length: 18 km
Kilometers effort: 42 kmef
Duration: 10 hours
Huts reached: Capanna Barone
Lakes reached: Lago Barone


SAC-CAS hiking scale Da Cabiói fino al Lago Barone.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dal Lago Barone fino in Vetta.

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

For this trip you can leave your car in Sonogno, where there is a large parking lot, or you can get to Cabiói, where there are some parking spaces. From there, continue along the Val Vegornèss, slightly uphill. Arrived at Corte di Fondo the climb begins to increase but is largely facilitated by the excellent path that goes up zigzag. So finally the Capanna Barone is reached, a splendid hut with stone walls and a stone roof. The only false note in my opinion is the pink concrete walls. It is still present next to the main building, the old hut, also well kept both inside and outside. We continue the journey going up to Lake Barone, beautiful lake with a very clear water and a beautiful blue color. From the lake the path begins to become more impervious and to climb more steeply along the rocks. At a height of 2640 meters you reach a small passage (see photo "Sentiero") where you have to do a little 'more attention, but that still does not involve great difficulty. After this passage, turn left and continue, always on a well marked path, up to an altitude of 2800 meters where you reach a long plateau, which should only be covered in part. After a while it starts to rise again for the last stretch that leads us to the summit, where there is another plateau, a little 'smaller than the first and more rounded. Right on the summit is the famous boulder also visible from afar, above which the cross is placed. It can be reached thanks to a stone staircase that helps the climb. Water is present in Cabiói where there is a fountain and then there are some streams up to Corte di Fondo. There is no fountain there, but the river is still present. Going up then there are still some streams up to about 1800 meters. Then nothing more until the Baron Hut where there is a fountain. From the hut onwards there is still the river and finally Lake Barone, where the water is very clean. There is nothing left from the lake to the summit.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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Val Vegornèss

  • Val Vegornèss
  • Val Vegornèss
  • Camoscio
  • Capanna Barone
  • Capanna Barone
  • Pizzo Barone
  • Lago Barone
  • Lago Barone
  • Sentiero
  • Cima del Pizzo Barone
  • Cima del Pizzo Barone
  • Cima del Pizzo Barone
  • Pianoro sul Pizzo Barone
  • Lago Barone
  • Val Vegornèss
  • Lago Barone
  • Val Vegornèss
  • Corte di Fondo
  • Val Vegornèss
  • Cabiói