Capanna Garzonera e Lago di Prato

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Date: 18 August 2012
Maximum height: 2080 m
Difference in height: 700 m
Length: 11 km
Kilometers effort: 20.3 kmef
Duration: 5 hours
Huts reached: Capanna Garzonera
Lakes reached: Lago della Valletta (Sopra Garzonera)
Lago di Prato


SAC-CAS hiking scale Da Giof fino a Pian Taiöi.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Da Pian Taiöi fino alla quota di 1871 metri.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dalla quota dei 1871 metri fino alla Capanna Garzonera e da lì fino alla Cascina di Lago (alcuni passaggi T3 prima del Lago di Prato).
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dalla Cascina di Lago fino a Pian Taiöi.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Da Pian Taiöi fino a Giof (T1 la variante su strada che passa da Camperitt).

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

Today's tour starts from Giof, where there are about fifteen parking spaces. Eventually it is also possible to start from Segna, just above Nante. From Giof follow the road that climbs towards Cassin for about 100 meters, then take the path that climbs into the woods to the right. The trail, which is very beautiful and has a good slope, leads us in a short time to Pian Taiöi where it joins the dirt road coming from Giof. We follow it up to the altitude of 1790 meters where, with a last stretch of trail, we reach the Garzonera hut. The hut is very beautiful and in alpine style and is located on a plateau offering an exceptional view of the Alps to the north, from the Gotthard to Lake Ritom and beyond. Definitely a refuge to visit, even more than once. We continue the journey towards the South and in a short time we reach the Valletta Lake where there is a stone dam that was probably used to provide water to the mountain pastures below. Continue west along a path that has some T3 steps to N-W del Motto del Toro, but that itself is not very difficult. So we finally reach the Lake of Prato, very beautiful and green. For the return you can get off at Cascina di Lago and from there, along the road, reach Zemblasca and then Pian Taiöi. Here we resume the path that descends to Giof but with possibly a variant that provides the transition from Camperitt. As for water, there is a fountain at Giof, one at Capanna Garzonera, one at Alpe Garzonera and one at Camperitt near the bridge. Beyond that there is the river at Zemblasca, there are some streams along the way and there are 2 ponds.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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Passo Sassello e Pizzo di Sassello

  • Passo Sassello e Pizzo di Sassello
  • Capanna Garzonera
  • Capanna Garzonera
  • Fontana col Crocifisso
  • Verso il Lago della Valletta
  • Lago della Valletta
  • Alpe Garzonera
  • Verso il Lago di Prato
  • Lago di Prato
  • Panorama dalla Cascina di Lago
  • Giof