Monte Lema

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Date: 14 April 2007
Maximum height: 1620.6 m
Difference in height: 900 m
Length: 7 km
Kilometers effort: 19 kmef
Duration: 5 hours


SAC-CAS hiking scale Da Breno fino a quota 821 metri.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Da quota 821 metri fino in vetta.

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

For this trip I left from Breno, but you can also climb from Miglieglia. From Breno you can follow a road blocked by a bar that leads you into a valley. From here you take a path that leads first to the Alpe Fontanía and then to the Alpe Tramboschino. From here you reach the Forcola d'Arasio and finally the summit. This variant, compared to the second, has the advantage of not following the cableway of Lema all the time and is therefore quieter.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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