Pizzo Cristallina

Cover photo


Date: 9 August 2008
Maximum height: 2911.7 m
Difference in height: 1250 m
Length: 12 km
Kilometers effort: 28.7 kmef
Duration: 8 hours
Huts reached: Capanna Cristallina


SAC-CAS hiking scale Dall'Alpe di Cristallina al Passo di Cristallina.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dal Passo di Cristallina fino al Pizzo Cristallina e dal Pizzo fino alla Val Torta.

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

To climb the Pizzo Cristallina you can follow three different routes. You can climb from Val Torta, Valle Bavona or Val Sambuco. Going up from Val Torta you reach the Cristallina Pass and the homonymous hut. From here you climb along a valley that leads to the top. The path is not very visible and is not marked (warning: if you do not follow the path the difficulty can go up to T5). Once at the top you can descend to the hut or descend towards the Lago del Narèt on a trail that is a little less difficult than the previous one, but just as not very visible. In the second case to return to Val Torta you can go from the Passo del Narèt or go through a fairly demanding passage under a high voltage pylon. From here you return in a short time to the Alpe di Cristallina and to the bottom of the valley.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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Val Torta

  • Val Torta
  • Capanna Cristallina
  • Val Torta
  • Pizzo Cristallina
  • Pizzo Cristallina
  • Anticima del Pizzo Cristallina
  • Rifugio Camosci
  • Interno del Rifugio Camosci
  • Interno del Rifugio Camosci
  • Cima del Pizzo Cristallina
  • Pietraia
  • Cresta Nord del Pizzo Cristallina
  • Lago del Narèt
  • Basòdino
  • Capanna Cristallina
  • Pizzo Cristallina
  • Val Torta
  • Alpe di Cristallina