Cima di Camadra

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Date: 20 August 2011
Maximum height: 3172.4 m
Difference in height: 1200 m
Length: 8 km
Kilometers effort: 24 kmef
Duration: 7 hours


SAC-CAS hiking scale Dal Pian Geirètt fino al Pass d'Uffiern.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dal Pass d'Uffiern fino in vetta.

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

Reached Pian Geirètt by car (no transit) or by bus, continue in the direction of the Pass of Uffiern. The trail is well signposted although it does not always follow the best route. It crosses in fact some rocks that would have easily been bypassed. There is also a passage on rock, equipped with a rope. Arrived at the pass we had the surprise to see a dog for the protection of the flocks. He arrived from Val Camadra and went to Lai d'Uffiern. Immediately after him came the sheep, who followed him as if he were the leader. From the pass, continue towards N-N-W, remaining approximately on the border between Graubünden and Ticino. You can follow the old blue signs, now almost disappeared, strengthened by some little men of stone. It reaches the summit from the south, on gravel alternating with badly fixed rocks.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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Passaggio con Corda

  • Passaggio con Corda
  • Lai d'Uffiern
  • Val Uffiern
  • Cima di Camadra
  • Cima di Camadra e Piz Medel
  • Cima di Camadra
  • Cima di Camadra
  • Ometto sulla Cima di Camadra
  • Glatscher da Medel
  • Vadrecc di Camadra
  • Piz Medel
  • Greina
  • Pass d'Uffiern
  • Greina