Pizzo di Cassimoi

Cover photo


Date: 21 August 2010
Maximum height: 3129 m
Difference in height: 1600 m
Length: 15 km
Kilometers effort: 36.3 kmef
Duration: 12 hours
Huts reached: Capanna Scaradra
Lakes reached: Laghetto di Cassimoi


SAC-CAS hiking scale Da Larecc fino alla Capanna Scaradra (con passaggi T3).
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dalla Capanna Scaradra fino al Laghetto di Cassimoi.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dal Laghetto di Cassimoi fino alla cima sud-est del Pizzo di Cassimoi e poi fino alla bocchetta di quota 3079 metri.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dalla bocchetta fino alla cima nord-ovest del Pizzo di Cassimoi e ritorno, fin sotto alla bocchetta.

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

To get to Pizzo di Cassimoi it is possible to leave the car in Larecc, where there are few parking spaces, or continue to Garzott, where there are more. From Larecc take the path that climbs towards the Val Scaradra and begin to climb with a moderate slope. When you reach the Alpe di Scaradra di Sotto you get to a first plateau, through which you reach a steep stretch (with passages T3) that leads to the second plateau, much more marked than the first. Here it is possible, if you want to go to Capanna Scaradra, shorten the route a bit by cutting directly for the meadows. Set off from the hut, go up a stretch along the path that leads to Passo Soreda, then leave it at an altitude of 2300 meters and continue along the rocks. At an altitude of 2500 meters the first snowfields meet, which facilitate the ascent, but above all the return descent. Thus you reach the ridge that divides Val Carassino from Val Scaradra and shortly after you reach the Laghetto di Cassimoi. This lake is famous for being the highest in the Ticino and I must say that you are amazed to find so much water at this height. From the pond it is possible to go directly towards the south-east peak of Pizzo di Cassimoi, which is the highest between the two peaks. Here, in addition to the big man, we also find the summit book. Then continue towards the mouth of 3079 meters, reached which you go back on the other side following the ridge. After the last section characterized by large boulders you reach the north-west peak of Pizzo di Cassimoi. Then go down the same side up to the nozzle and here you can go directly from it to the pond (first very steep and crumbly section) or go back a short way to the south and around the most difficult part. You return to the pond and from here you follow more or less the way of going, trying to exploit as much as possible the few snowfields present. So you go back to the hut and from there back to Larecc. This trip, although not presenting an extreme difference in level, proved to be the longest one I have ever done. This is certainly due to the approximately 1000 meters of altitude gain passed off the trail, on difficult terrain. For this reason I think it is better to climb this peak in July, when the snowfields are wider, but the summit is already clear of snow. As for water, it is present in many rivers up to Capanna Scaradra, where there is a fountain. From the hut there are still several streams to the last, found under a snowfield at an altitude of about 2700 meters. From there there is nothing left until the Laghetto di Cassimoi where, in addition to the water of the lake not very clear, there is a small stream that flows into the pond. From here to the summit there is nothing left.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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Comments (2)

1 January 2020 - 10:54
La ringrazio per la segnalazione.
Ho provveduto a correggere l'errore.
Cordiali Saluti.
Michael Rast
29 December 2019 - 23:26
Hallo Bergfreunde, die Beschreibung macht meiner Familie und mir eine Riesenlust auf diese Wanderung; vermutlich werden wir sie nächsten Sommer unter die Füsse nehmen! Eine kleine Ungenauigkeit ist mir beim Lesen aufgefallen: Sowohl im italienischen als auch im deutschen Text ist von der Alpe Camadra (di sotto/di sopra) die Rede. Die Val Camadra ist jedoch einige Kilometer weiter westlich gelegen: wie auf der Karte ersichtlich, handelt es sich hier um die Alpe Scaradra (war schon mal da)! Grosses Kompliment für diese ausführliche Beschreibung.
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Val Scaradra

  • Val Scaradra
  • Punta Val Scaradra
  • Capanna Scaradra
  • Val Scaradra
  • Capanna Scaradra
  • Val Scaradra
  • Val Scaradra
  • Laghetto di Cassimoi
  • Cima Nord-Ovest del Pizzo di Cassimoi
  • Laghetto di Cassimoi
  • Cima Sud-Est del Pizzo di Cassimoi
  • Cima Sud-Est del Pizzo di Cassimoi
  • Cima Nord-Ovest del Pizzo di Cassimoi
  • Laghetto di Cassimoi
  • Cima Nord-Ovest del Pizzo di Cassimoi
  • Pizzo Cassinello
  • Val Scaradra
  • Val Scaradra