Laghi della zona Ritom

Cover photo


Date: 30 August 2005
Maximum height: 2570 m
Difference in height: 900 m
Length: 18 km
Kilometers effort: 30 kmef
Duration: 6 hours and 30 minutes
Huts reached: Capanna Cadagno
Capanna Cadlimo
Lakes reached: Lago Cadagno
Lago di Dentro
Laghetto della Miniera
Lago dello Stabbio
Lago di Dentro di Cadlimo
Lago Scuro
Laghetto di Taneda Superiore
Laghetto di Taneda Inferiore
Lago di Tom


SAC-CAS hiking scale Dalla diga del Ritóm fino alla Capanna Cadagno.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dalla Capanna Cadagno fino al Lago di Dentro.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dal Lago di Dentro fino al Lago dello Stabbio e da li fino al sentiero poco prima della Capanna Cadlimo.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dalla Capanna Cadlimo fino al Lago Ritóm.

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

For this excursion you can leave your car under the Ritom dam, where there is a paying car park (10.- Fr. for the whole day)[Update of 21.9.2019: 15.- Fr. for the whole day] about thirty seats.
The road is beautiful enough to be a mountain road, but for those who do not feel like facing it you can always resort to the Ritom cableway that starts from Piotta.
Once you reach the Lago Ritom dam, follow the dirt road that leads to Cadagno and from there to the homonymous hut. Immediately after the hut, turn left and follow the trail that goes up to Lago di Dentro and the Laghetti della Miniera.
Continue descending into Val Cadlimo and abandoning the path around the 2500 meters altitude in the direction of Lake Stabbio. From the lake you then return to the path and you reach the Capanna Cadlimo, a beautiful building with a wonderful view of the Val Cadlimo and Val Canaria.
From the hut, continue southwards to Lago Scuro and Bassa del Lago Scuro and then descend to the Taneda lakes and Lake Tom. The area is very welcoming and full of flowers.
We finally go down to Lago Ritom and return to the starting point.
Water is present almost everywhere along the way.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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Lago Ritom

  • Lago Ritom
  • Capanna Cadagno
  • Lago Ritom e Lago Cadagno
  • Lago Cadagno
  • Lago di Dentro
  • Laghetti della Miniera
  • Laghetti della Miniera
  • Lago dello Stabbio e Lago dell'Isra
  • Lago dello Stabbio
  • Val Cadlimo
  • Lago di Dentro di Cadlimo
  • Capanna Cadlimo
  • Lago Scuro
  • Lago Scuro con Piz Blas
  • Alpe Tom con Laghi
  • Laghetti di Taneda
  • Lago di Tom
  • Lago Ritom