Pizzo di Claro

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Date: 6 July 2010
Maximum height: 2727 m
Difference in height: 1850 m
Length: 16 km
Kilometers effort: 40.7 kmef
Duration: 9 hours
Huts reached: Capanna Brogoldone
Lakes reached: Lago di Canee


SAC-CAS hiking scale Da Maruso fino alla Capanna Brogoldone e da li fino al Passo di Mem.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dal Passo di Mem fino alla vetta e da essa fino al Lago di Canee.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dal Lago di Canee fino a Maruso.

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

To reach Pizzo di Claro you can start from Maruso, reachable by car from Claro. Just above the village, however, there is a bar that opens only after the insertion of 5 francs (4 euros), while the return opens automatically. On the other hand, the road to Maruso is well maintained, with many rest areas to cross other cars or to park the vehicle. From Maruso go up and take the path to Alpe Domàs. At this point it is inserted on the "Path of the Sculptures" coming from the Saurù mountains (Savorù on the CN) that brings us to the Capanna Brogoldone. From here, turn left and begin to climb the grassy slopes. After a hundred meters the path begins to disappear, but is still marked by stakes. Thus you reach the Passo di Mem (on the old Gagèrn Pass maps) and from there you continue on slightly less safe paths, up to an altitude of 2380 meters. At this point you can choose the left path, which however requires a descent of at least 60 meters, or the right one, more direct. Choosing the latter continues on a stony path with little visible, up to an obvious gully. Go up and continue the climb until you cross the path that comes from Val Calanca, much more visible than ours, and you follow it to the summit. First you reach the royal peak then, continuing on the ridge, you reach the antic, 7 meters lower, where the two crosses are positioned. From here it is then possible to go down towards Lake Canee on a path that is not visible and marked from time to time. Reached the altitude of 2320 meters we meet the path that we would have taken if we had turned left at an altitude of 2380. At this point, however, we turn to the right and descend towards the lake. The path that was already not very visible becomes even less so. However, it is not a problem as the slope becomes less steep and dangerous. This finally reaches Lake Canee. From the lake we continue to the Alpe di Canee and here the path again becomes quite visible. It continues to go down into the woods until you reach a sign. At this point, cut to the left and go down to Alpe Peurett. From here continue, with different ups and downs to Alpe Domàs and then from here again to Maruso. Water is present in Maruso, Alpe Domàs and the hut. Then nothing more until the gully below the peak, where there is a small river that probably dries when there is no more snow. Also on the other side of Pizzo di Claro there are several streams, always probably temporary. In addition to the river, from the lake down there is a fountain on the Alpe di Canee and one on Alpe Forcarid, as well as numerous streams.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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Capanna Brogoldone

  • Capanna Brogoldone
  • Pizzo di Claro
  • Pizzo di Claro
  • Pizzo di Claro
  • Pizzo di Claro
  • Canalone sul Pizzo di Claro
  • Cima del Pizzo di Claro
  • Lago di Canee
  • Cima del Pizzo di Claro
  • Cima del Pizzo di Claro
  • Lago di Canee
  • Pizzo di Claro
  • Lago di Canee
  • Cascate