Il Madone

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Date: 27 July 2020
Maximum height: 2756 m
Difference in height: 500 m
Length: 5 km
Kilometers effort: 11.6 kmef
Duration: 4 hours
Lakes reached: Lago di Val Sabbia
Lago del Madone


SAC-CAS hiking scale Dal Lago del Narèt al Lago del Madone (a quota 2525 metri).
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dal Lago del Madone fino in cima e ritorno (con alcuni passaggi T4 a nord del Passo del Madone).
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dal Lago di Val Sabbia alla diga del Narèt passando dal Lago del Fornà (alcuni passaggi T4 presenti 80 metri a nord-est della diga).

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

Today's excursion takes place in one of the most remote areas of Canton Ticino, the Narèt region.
Once you reach Lake Narèt, at the bottom of the northern dam there is the starting point of the path that leads up to Val Sabbia. We follow it and in a short time we reach the Val Sabbia Lake. From there we start to climb northwards along easy grassy slopes where there is an old trail. We thus arrive at the unnamed small lake at an altitude of 2525 metres, which some call Lago del Madone. From here the path becomes more challenging. Since there is a stretch of rocky ridge just north of the Madone Pass, we try to go around it by climbing a little to the right. The grassy slope is however quite steep and for a short stretch also a little exposed. Once we reach the south ridge of the Madone, the most difficult piece has passed and in a short time, following the ridge, we reach the summit.
On the way back we descend the ridge uphill again, but this time we leave it higher up, towards an altitude of 2640 metres. Going up we realized that the slope in that place is less steep and less exposed than the one followed uphill. So I suggest to follow this more northerly route, rather than the other, even going uphill (see map).
Once back at Lago del Madone, we descend by the same route to Lago di Val Sabbia. Here we decide to go to see the nearby Fornà Lake and then instead of going straight down to the Narèt Dam, we head east-north-east. After having climbed about seventy metres we descend again towards the lake until the fork at an altitude of about 2365 metres. Then we take the path that turns south and in a short time we return to the starting point.
As far as the water is concerned, along the Val Sabbia there are some streams that flow from the lakes and then nothing more.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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Lago di Val Sabbia

  • Lago di Val Sabbia
  • Lago del Madone
  • Passo del Madone
  • Il Madone
  • Val Sabbia
  • Il Madone
  • Cima del Madone
  • Lago del Madone
  • Lago di Val Sabbia
  • Lago del Narèt
  • Lago del Fornà
  • Diga del Narèt