
Welcome, on this page I will list all my hikes

11 August 2021

Piz Blas

Maximum height 3019 m
Length of the hike 15.5 km
Difference in height of the hike 1'260 m
Kilometers effort 32.3
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Piz Blas

6 August 2021

Pizzo Cavagnöö

Maximum height 2836 m
Length of the hike 12.7 km
Difference in height of the hike 1'100 m
Kilometers effort 27.3
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Pizzo Cavagnöö

29 July 2021


Maximum height 2747 m
Length of the hike 17.5 km
Difference in height of the hike 980 m
Kilometers effort 30.5
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale

23 July 2021

Lagh de Calvaresc

Maximum height 2270 m
Length of the hike 14.5 km
Difference in height of the hike 1'320 m
Kilometers effort 32.1
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Lagh de Calvaresc
Maximum height 2432 m
Length of the hike 8.5 km
Difference in height of the hike 900 m
Kilometers effort 20.5
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Poncione di Nara e Pizzo di Nara

12 July 2021

Lago di Ravina

Maximum height 1889 m
Length of the hike 11.4 km
Difference in height of the hike 560 m
Kilometers effort 18.8
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Lago di Ravina
Maximum height 2169 m
Length of the hike 16 km
Difference in height of the hike 1'080 m
Kilometers effort 30.4
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Lago dei Pozzöi e Lago Gelato

1 July 2021

Cima di Fojorina

Maximum height 1810 m
Length of the hike 12.2 km
Difference in height of the hike 800 m
Kilometers effort 22.8
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Cima di Fojorina
Maximum height 2670 m
Length of the hike 10.5 km
Difference in height of the hike 1'080 m
Kilometers effort 24.9
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Gli iceberg del Gerenpass

15 June 2021

Lagh de Trescolmen

Maximum height 2025 m
Length of the hike 10 km
Difference in height of the hike 800 m
Kilometers effort 20.6
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Lagh de Trescolmen
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