
Welcome, on this page I will list all my hikes

Maximum height 2227 m
Length of the hike 8 km
Difference in height of the hike 680 m
Kilometers effort 17.1
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Corno di Gesero e Cima delle Cicogne

9 November 2020

Monte Lema

Maximum height 1620 m
Length of the hike 12.5 km
Difference in height of the hike 970 m
Kilometers effort 25.4
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Monte Lema

13 October 2020

Giro del Monte San Giorgio

Maximum height 843 m
Length of the hike 12.5 km
Difference in height of the hike 530 m
Kilometers effort 19.5
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Giro del Monte San Giorgio
Maximum height 1962 m
Length of the hike 12.5 km
Difference in height of the hike 1'030 m
Kilometers effort 26.2
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Monte Tamaro e Monte Gradiccioli
Maximum height 2370 m
Length of the hike 17 km
Difference in height of the hike 550 m
Kilometers effort 24.3
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Val Cadlimo e Lago dello Stabbio

9 September 2020

Lago di Sfii (Sfille)

Maximum height 1930 m
Length of the hike 12 km
Difference in height of the hike 820 m
Kilometers effort 22.9
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Lago di Sfii (Sfille)

4 September 2020

Pizzo Molare

Maximum height 2586 m
Length of the hike 8 km
Difference in height of the hike 950 m
Kilometers effort 20.6
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Pizzo Molare

15 August 2020


Maximum height 2744 m
Length of the hike 7.5 km
Difference in height of the hike 650 m
Kilometers effort 16.2
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale

8 August 2020

Pizzo di Cadrèigh

Maximum height 2516 m
Length of the hike 15.5 km
Difference in height of the hike 1'050 m
Kilometers effort 29.5
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Pizzo di Cadrèigh

6 August 2020

Pizzo dell'Uomo

Maximum height 2663 m
Length of the hike 13 km
Difference in height of the hike 800 m
Kilometers effort 23.6
Maximum difficulty SAC-CAS hiking scale
Pizzo dell'Uomo
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